Drunk Kitchen & Edible Historian Hannah Hart says wassup to In Bocca! 🍅

If I had a choice, I'd live and be best friends with Hannah Hart, drunk chef, internet darling, superstar superwoman. She's got it all, the skills, the funny, the personality to melt a thousand sticks of frozen butter. She's rad plain and simple, so when we reached out to her to check out our project Italy In Bocca we were STOKED to get a little video hello back from her saying she dug it.


Hannah is very cool, and she's one of those people who have definitely inspired us. She does things her way, facing obstacles and destroying them, and doing so with poise and effortless style. We love everything she lends her hand to, including Edible History (on Tasty;) ... it's definitely our jam Hannah.

And, oh, our favorite dish was the cutlet. I mean ... look at it. (in the style of Marlon Brando from Apocalypse now): the butter ... the butter ... Thanks Hannah! Never stop being awesome!

🍅 Check out www.italyinbocca.com to join the fun. 🍅